Selected Publications   (one paper per major area)                  

Michael E. Elta     1-1-00


Published Journal Articles:

M. S. Barnes, T. J. Cotler and M. E. Elta, "Large-signal Time-Domain Modeling of Low-Pressure RF Discharges," J. Appl. Phys., pp. 81-89, Jan. 1987.

T. J. Cotler and M. E. Elta, "Plasma Etch Technology in Microelectronics Manufacturing," IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 38-43, July 1990.

M. L. Passow, J. T. P. Pender, M. L. Brake, K. T. Sung, Y. Liu, S. W. Pang, and M. E. Elta, "Relative Fluorine Concentration in RF and ECR Microwave/RF Hybrid Glow Discharges," Applied Physics Letters,Vol. 60, No. 7, February 1992.

J. Pender, M. Buie, T. VIncent, J. Holloway, M. Elta, and M. Brake, "Radial Optical Emission profiles of radio frequency glow discharges", Journal of Applied Physics 74(5), p 3590-3593, September 1993

Michael Elta, "Developing "Smart" Controllers for Semiconductor Processes," R&D Magazine, pp. 69-70, Feb. 93.

B.A. Rashap, M. Elta, H. Etemad, J.P. Fournier, J.S. Freudenberg, M.D. Giles, J.W. Grizzle, P.T. Kabamba, P.P. Khargonekar, S. Lafortune, S.M. Meerkov, J.R. Moyne, D. Teneketzis, and F.L. Terry, Jr., "Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment: Reactive Ion Etching," IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing , Vol. 8, No.3, pp. 286-297, August 1995.

Published Conference Presentations:

M. E. Elta, "Automated Semiconductor Process Equipment Control in 1994: A Look Ahead," SRC/DARPA Workshop on Computer-Aided Semiconductor Manufacturing, Stanford University, Aug. 88, (Invited talk).

M. E. Elta, "Process and equipment control for semiconductor manufacturing using plasma etching as a process vehicle," SRC Workshop on Real-Time Tool Controllers 1991, Vancouver, B.C., February 1991, (Invited talk).

M. E. Elta, "Process and Equipment Modeling for Manufacturing," SRC/DARPA Workshop on Computer-Aided Semiconductor Manufacturing, NCSU, August, 1991, (Invited talk).

T. Morris, D. Grimard, C. Shu, F. Terry, M. Elta and R. Jain, "Utilizing Diffraction Imaging for Non Destructive Wafer Topography Measurements," SPIE 1993 Symposium on Microlithography, San Jose, CA , March 1993.

M. E. Elta, H. Etemad, J. S. Freudenberg, M. D. Giles, J. W. Grizzle, P. T. Kabamba, P. P. Khargonekar, S. Lafortune, S. M. Meerkov, J. R. Moyne, B. A. Rashap, D. Teneketzis, and F. L. Terry, Jr., "Applications of Control to Semiconductor Manufacturing: Reactive Ion Etching," Proc. 1993 American Control Conference.

J. Moyne, H. Etemad, and M. Elta, "A Run-to-Run Control Framework for VLSI Manufacturing," Proc. SPIE Conference, Microelectronics Processing, September 1993.

T. L. Vincent, P. P. Khargonekar, B. A. Rashap, F. L. Terry, Jr., and M. Elta, "Nonlinear System Identification and Control of a Reactive Ion Etcher," Proc. 1994 American Control Conference.

M.E. Elta, J. S. Freudenberg, J.W. Grizzle, P.P. Khargonekar, and F. L. Terry, Jr., "Improving RIE Process Robustness via Real-Time Feeback Control," Electrochem. Soc. Meeting, Reno, Nevada, May, 1995.

Unpublished Conference Presentations:

M. E. Elta, "Generic Equipment and Process Control Issues for the Future," SEMATECH Equipment Control Workshop, August, 1991, (Invited talk).

M. Elta, "The Use of Sensors for the Manufacturing Control of a Plasma Tool," SEMATECH Equipment Control Workshop, (March 1992).

M. Elta, "Control Methodologies for Plasma Tools in Sensor-Based Manufacturing," SEMATECH Equipment Control Workshop, (March 1992).

M. Elta, " Real-Time Feedback Control of Plasma Etching, SEMATECH Equipment Control Workshop, (April 93).

M. Elta, " Advanced Manufacturing Control of Plasma Etching, SEMATECH Equipment Control Workshop, (September 94).