DANCE by Michael Elta Summer of 1996 . . . after a 3000 mile.. solo harley trip to East Coast of USA Days of youth..... long lazy summers.... cold winters... We are inside.... Not sure what to BE....or if we BE...... Teddy bears..... and ice cream cones.... Yes mommy.. Yes daddy.... :-) Happy times.... all is protected...... Natural movement....Dance silly dance....happy and free.... Flowers to pick.... on the side of the road.... Smile......... Sun shining....... Warm breeze....zzzzz…z.zzzz.zzzz........ We SKKKREAM later.. I am ...I am... LOOK at me.. LOOK at ME!!! No dance at all.... only chaos and shadows... Unsure glances..... nervous laughter.... tight spirit .. .. Edgy silence...... looking down...... ANGER!!! GGGRRRRRrrrrrrr...... FUCK YOU!!! I hate you all..... NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! Dark clouds.....Thunder and Rain...Wind howls...... BOOM!!!!!! Mature adults...... werking .....werking... Married..... responsibilities..... children.... Houses......"?RELIGION?" Bury us..... tie our spirt.....blunt our MIND.....kill the soul ........ Slow tired walks..... to and fro.... TV.. sports... national news...... sermons . . PTO.... check-out lines ..... WerkWerkWerk.......Eyes glazed..... Long dusty roads....... Air is hot..... stiffling.....Sweat drips off chin.... Almost all are afraid to dance......... A few lone souls....... dare....!!! Start to dance..... Slowly at first.... STRETCH our wings... Oh my GOD!!!! they can't dance... the others cry.....No way!!!! STOP!!! Point and stare..... With cowered heads..... silent jealous RAGE..... Watch me!!!... Dance ...Dance..... Fuck em.... if they can't dance....!!!!! I can... I WILL!!!!........ I SHALL!!!! I am.... I am..... I am.................WWWEEEEEeeeee...........!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dance~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are Kings.... We are Queens.....!!!!!! Spring shower...... clean and pure.... Smell the air........ Later.. slowly.... souls age.... Long Karmic Cycles.......Webs of time..... Wisdom comes..... maybe?.... only after 10,000 lives... maybe more.... There is a dance.. of NO dance.... Where NO "I, me, my" lives..... The Earth, Moon, Sun, and Stars...... watch this dance.... The Gods and angels.......... watch and smile........ Demons too..... When the NO-"I" .... dances the NO-"DANCE"........ Knowingly Unknown..... Clouds drift... ..... Only a saint can dance this NO dance....moved beyond . . and holy and sin . . . When it is danced.... Spin and Whirrr..... NO thoughts...... Ahhhhhhh........ even Rumi would be pleased..... The world....... will speak of it...... in quiet tones.....EYES bowed.... Reverent Sermons..........for a thousand years..... BUT!!!.. this is not the truth.....!!!!!! Bent old men... talk of things... they have not tasted...... Bones not chewed..... Crosses not carried.... Sun appears.... Brightness glows......All is clear....... For when a saint dances.. this sacred dance... NO word is written.. NO story is told.... NO prayer is recited...... NO chant... NO manta.. NO spell.....NOthing..... Brave souls that choose to see the saint dance.... are blinded to silence... They smile.... NO sounds... NO speach...NO ideas...for a thousand lives.... " FLASH " <<====== Lightning NO THUNDER!!! Birds sing.... Flowers bloom . . . in the spring....NO one knows why.... The grass grows by itself.....NOT attendant on MIND!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh........ A frog jumps into an ancient pond! ......SPLASH!!!!!........... Lotus flowers.... float on muddy water...... Expanding.waves..... Mix our souls.......... NO wind... NO waves.... NO sounds... NO eyes, ears, tongue, body,........ NO mind..... NO NO...... NO lack of NO..... Only just NO.... The Moon.... Ohhhh my GOD!!! THE MOON!!!! The whole moon reflects off just one dewdrop..... It evaporates..... and........ Poof!!!!!